Parenthood, the ultimate DIY project. Is there a mother, father, grandparent, aunt or uncle alive that hasn’t wished they were better equipped to deal with the challenges of raising that smallest most precious member of the family? If only every baby came with a set of instructions to address the particular circumstances of our lives. But wait, the challenges don’t stop at infancy, if anything they become even more complicated as each child moves along his/her own path of development.
As most of us know only too well, a parent’s job challenges both our intelligence, strength and endurance. From the sleep deprived nights of infancy to the anxious nights of teen years, parents are always on duty and often uncertain about what they should be doing. There isn’t one of us who wouldn’t have appreciated an intervention by a super human force at least once in the child rearing process. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a one stop shop to address all of these concerns?
Superhero Training for Parents
This Saturday, there will be just such a place with experts on hand to address a myriad of parenting questions. The Las Cruces Convention Center will be the scene of Superhero Training for Parents, a conference expressly for families to explore the special challenges and opportunities of becoming the best parent you can be.
The Success Partnership and the Empowerment Congress bring together local experts to present workshops, speakers, and hands on activities for parents and their children during a completely bi-lingual parent engagement conference on Saturday, November 14 from 8:30 am until 3:00 pm at the Las Cruces Convention Center. Admission is $20 for one adult or $30 for two adult members of the same family. Breakfast, lunch, childcare and youth activities are included. Master of Ceremonies is Emily Guerra, host of “Fiesta!” and producer of PUENTAS on KRWG-FM.
Keynote speaker Dr. Guillermina Gina Núñez-Mchiri, cultural anthropologist and Interim Director of Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso will discuss specific challenges for families in Dona Ana County. Núñez grew up a child of migrant farm workers. Her research focuses on finding solutions to contemporary social challenges and improving access and equity among Mexican American communities in the United States.
Several workshops will be available with presenters from Aprendamos Intervention Team, Las Cruces Public Schools, Head Start, The ARC of NM, and Chicano Programs at NMSU. Workshop topics include Dealing with Toxic Stress, Creating Strong Families, Civic Engagement, Brain Development, Social/Emotions Behaviors, Navigating the School System, Understanding Individualized Educational Plans, and Planning for College. AVANCE will conduct toy making classes. Singer/guitarist Lucia Carmona will entertain, Little Footprints of Hatch will provide childcare, and the Las Cruces Teen Mobile Unit will provide activities. Breakfast and lunch are included. A wide range of agencies will be on hand to answer questions at information tables. Participants will receive books and materials, and be eligible for prizes. Spanish/English translators will be available throughout the day.
All programs promote the Quality of life Initiative started in 2011 to improve the lives of all residents by building individual capabilities to change the conditions that support poverty. Coalitions of community members and resource providers are working to create a more equitable and collaborative society that provides opportunities for all. For more information contact Ruby Estrada 575 521-1957 or visit